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Our Services

Our specialty at ROOTSRISE is providing curriculum design and facilitation services in the overlapping spheres of equity, sustainability, and healing because we believe that transformational change requires a deeply rooted, intersectional and holistic approach. 


Danielle is based in the Atlanta, Georgia area. She is open to traveling for in-person work, is a skilled virtual facilitator, and would be happy to collaborate with a local subcontractor should virtual offerings not meet client needs.


Curriculum Design

Danielle has been designing curriculum for formal and informal learning experiences since 2011. Two pieces that are foundational to ROOTSRISE's approach to curriculum design are Ecological Design and critical reflection on how white supremacy culture can be resisted in both the process and "product," and conversely, how the antidotes can be centered. 


The Ecological Design Framework is a value-led, collaborative, and nature-inspired process that can be used to design anything. The emphasis on observation and visioning before planning, has been truly instrumental in acknowledging historical patterns and intentionally designing for chosen values rather than those from our default extractive and racist culture. This process is directly tied with efforts to decenter and resist white supremacy culture as much as possible. Because whether we acknowledge it or not, our values at the roots rise.


If you are willing to slow down, embrace conflict and do things differently, let's chat. 

Curriculum Design


Danielle has designed curriculum and facilitated for various spaces and audiences - virtual and in-person, in a classroom and in a garden, for kindergartners and sustainability professionals. Whether you are five or fifty-five years old, there are constants that are integral in cultivating a space where learners can feel brave and internally motivated to learn and grow. Some of those include

  • recognizing the history of the space

  • acknowledging knowledge and expertise in the room

  • meeting learners where they are at 

  • prioritizing relationship-building and meaning co-creation

  • centering curiosity, repair and care


Our approach to curriculum design and facilitation is guided by the pedagogical approaches of bell hooks, Paulo Freire, and Nell Noddings.


Somatics / Yoga

Danielle has been practicing yoga since 2014, and in 2019 completed the 300hr yoga teacher training from the Bhakti Yoga Movement Center in Portland, OR. The Bhakti tradition is guided by love and devotion, recognizing the sacred in everything.


Danielle is experienced in teaching yoga and somatic practices both virtually and in-person. She teaches a variety of classes including yoga foundations, restorative, hatha and vinyasa flow classes. Her skillful use of props and invitational language cultivate accessible spaces that offer opportunity for healing and empowerment.


ROOTSRISE facilitation and curriculum design often integrates somatic (of the body) practices. We might open a workshop with a breathing practice, collaborate on adding holistic elements to a recurring meeting, or integrate themes such as "multiple ways of knowing" into a closing meditation for a team retreat. Curious? Let's talk!


Our Happy Clients

"Collaborating with Danielle in creating a space for my team to reflect and recharge was an easy and fulfilling experience. I so appreciate the way she showed up for us and her thoughtfulness when it came to planning something truly curated for my team, our goals and physical abilities."  

Renee Irikawa, Greater Than Director of Impact

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Let's talk

Interested in our services? Fill out this brief form, and I will aim to follow up within 5 business days. You can also email me at

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